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P.O.Box 773
Grand Cayman KY1-1103
Cayman Islands
Project 365 Sponsors
YOUTH MEMBERSHIP: A Youth Membership is available to persons 18 years and under and will cover only the individual named on the application and will entitle the holder to one (1) subscription to the Consortium newsletter. Benefit will include opportunity to serve on a youth committee, as well as 5% discount on any service or programme provided by CIYDC.
Individually take the responsibility to build on own internal developmental assets and relevant external assets
Corporately work with other youth for the development of each other and to spread the asset message
· Attend consortium meetings and events when planned
· Support consortium campaigns or initiatives
· Participate in community asset-building effort
· Volunteer in at least one listed project for the month
Click Here to join..........
PARENT MEMBERSHIP: A Parent Membership is available to the parent(s) of the youth members and will cover only the individual named on the application and will entitle the holder to one (1) subscription to the Consortium newsletter. A Parent Member will not have the privilege of voting on Consortium business or holding an office. Benefit will include opportunity to serve on a district committee, as well as 5% discount on any service or programme provided by CIYDC.
Individually take the responsibility to build your child’s internal developmental assets, whilst offering the support of 1, 2, 6, 11, 14 & 16 of the external assets.
Corporately work with other parents to learn asset-building skills and tips that each parent can utilize.
· Attend consortium meetings and events when planned
· Support consortium campaigns or initiatives
· Participate in community asset-building effort
· Volunteer in at least one listed project for the month
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP: Family Membership consists of two adults and all minor children (under the age of 18) residing within the same residence who applies as a family for membership with the Consortium and pay one year’s membership fees as set by Policy. This will entitle the adult members of the family to one (1) vote each on all business of the Consortium requiring approval by the membership and one (1) subscription to the Consortium newsletter.
MEMBERSHIP FEE: $10 per month/ $120 per year
Click Here to join........
LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP: A Lifetime Membership will cover any individual that applies to the Consortium by paying ten (10) times the established membership fee for one year. This will entitle the life member to ten (10) votes on all business of the Consortium requiring approval by the membership and one (1) subscription to the Consortium newsletter. Benefit will include opportunity to serve on CIYDC committees.
MEMBERSHIP FEE: $100 per month/ $1200 per year
ADULT/ INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP: An Adult Membership will cover only the individual named on the application and will entitle the holder to one (1) vote on all business of the Consortium requiring approval by the membership and one (1) subscription to the Consortium newsletter. Benefit will include opportunity to serve on CIYDC committees.
MEMBERSHIP FEE: $10 per month/ $120 per year
Individually take the responsibility to build or support young people in building their internal developmental assets, whilst also offering the support of 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 13 & 14 of the external assets.
Corporately work with other individuals to learn asset-building skills and tips that each can utilize.
· Attend consortium meetings and events when planned
· Support consortium campaigns or initiatives
· Participate in community asset-building effort
· Volunteer in at least one listed project for the month
Individual/ Community Member - Click Here to join......
Youth Professional Member - Click Here to join......
AFFILIATE ORGANIZATION/ CLUB/ SCHOOL: An Affiliate organization, club or school membership is available to any duly formed organization and will cover only the club or school named on the application and will entitle the club/ school to one (1) subscription to the Consortium newsletter, in which space will be available for club news, relating to asset building projects.
Individually take the responsibility to build or support young people in building their internal developmental assets, whilst also offering the support of 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 17 & 18 of the external assets. Schools - external assets 5, 12 & 16
Corporately work with other individuals to learn asset-building skills and tips that each can utilize.
· Attend consortium meetings and events when planned
· Support consortium campaigns or initiatives
· Participate in community asset-building effort
· Volunteer in at least one listed project for the month
Affiliate Organization or club - Click Here to join....
Affiliate School - Click Here to join....
AFFILIATE BUSINESS/ CORPORATION: An Affiliate business/ corporation membership is available to any duly formed business/ corporation and will cover only the business/ corporation named on the application and will entitle the business/ corporation to one (1) subscription to the Consortium newsletter, in which space will be available for business news, relating to asset building projects.
Individually take the responsibility to build or support young people in building their internal developmental assets, whilst also offering the support of 3, 7, 8 & 14 of the external assets.
Corporately work with other individuals to learn asset-building skills and tips that each can utilize.
· Attend consortium meetings and events when planned
· Support consortium campaigns or initiatives
· Participate in community asset-building effort
· Volunteer in at least one listed project for the month
Affiliate Business - Click Here to join.....
AFFILIATE MEMBER (of an affiliate school, organization or business): An Affiliate Member will cover only the individual named on the application and will entitle the holder to one (1) subscription to the Consortium newsletter. An Affiliate Member will not have the privilege of voting on Consortium business or holding an office. An Affiliate Member must be a member or employee of a current Affiliate organization, club, school or business.
Individually take the responsibility to build or support young people in building their internal developmental assets, whilst also offering the support of 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 13 & 14 of the external assets.
Corporately work with other individuals to learn asset-building skills and tips that each can utilize.
· Attend consortium meetings and events when planned
· Support consortium campaigns or initiatives
· Participate in community asset-building effort
· Volunteer in at least one listed project for the month
Affiliate Organization Member - Click Here to join......
Affiliate School Member - Click Here to join.....
Affiliate Business Member - Click Here to join......
Asset-building is so simple even a child can do it!
You can join CIYDC in Cayman's biggest network of youth asset stars, champions and leaders alongside their asset supporters, advocates and patrons.
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