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Parent - Asset Building Tips & Ideas
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Though a new concept to most parents in the Cayman Islands many asset-building activities are common in families throughout the island. However, nothing is wrong with a few tips here and there.
Here are some ideas on how you can get started or enhance your skills as an asset builder for your child or other children in your neighborhood:
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Start a “Round Robin” letter for your family. Write a brief personal update, include a picture or two, and send it to one person. That person does the same thing and sends it to the next person, who adds their contributions. The letter keeps going around (getting thicker and longer) until everyone has seen all of the entries. Encourage young children to enclose pictures they've drawn or a tape-recorded message. This can also easily be adapted to email. |
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Prepare and eat a meal together weekly as a family. Invite a young person that you know does not have a stable family structure to experience this. |
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Ask young people what they think about important issues about your family, your community, the world. |
Asset #6 Parent Involvement in Schooling
- parents are actively involved in helping young person succeed in school.
There are many ways parents can be supportive at their child school to help encourage a successful school year. Here are some tips:
1. Know your child's school's policies, rules, and schedules. Watch your school's website. Ask the principal for a rulebook and schedule. Keep up-to-date on changes and ask if there are opportunities for parents to be involved.
2. Meet the teacher(s) and let them know that you are interested and want to help any way you can.
3. Attend Parent-Teacher Conferences. Visit every one of your student's teachers. Check to see that your child is learning what he or she needs to learn to meet the standards and be successful at that grade level. Ask the teacher for help if needed, and find out what you can do to assist your student.
4. Make attending school events a priority. Keep a track of them on a family calendar
5. Join the PTA, Parent Network and get involved with other parents in making your school a better learning experience for all the students.
6. Advocate for any special needs your child might have. Ask your school for resources to assist you if your child struggles in any areas. Learn about parent support systems for children with learning disabilities and special needs. Work with your children's teachers to explore assistance options if there are problems. Talk to other parents.
20 Ways you can help your children succeed in school
General Tips