Whether you are a parent, a teacher, a community member, a religious leader, or just an adult who wants to help young people, you can begin building assets today. This positive approach to youth development is not about crisis management and it is not about stopping and preventing problems. Instead, it is about investing wisely in our youth, increasing their exposure to positive, constructive activities, and instilling values and skills that will guide them from the inside*.
Building the assets of young people, help them to succeed and decreases their susceptibility to risks such as drugs, violence, delinquency etc.
* Adapted from What Kids Need to Succeed, Search Institute, 1998
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P.O.Box 773
Grand Cayman KY1-1103
Cayman Islands
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The Supporting Cayman Youth Campaign is an outreach project of the Cayman Islands Youth Development Consortium. It serves the purpose of mobilizing the people of the Cayman Islands towards supporting young people, through the use of Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets Framework.
Profile of An Asset-Leader
Nathaniel Lopez
Age: 10
School Attend: George Town Primary School
Asset Category: Social Competencies
Asset: #36 Peaceful Conflict Resolution

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